Southern Brothers Painting proudly serves all of Northwest Arkansas with custom painting services! We specialize in commercial, residential, government, and new construction projects.
From old to new! It truly is amazing what a little paint can do to your home.
While it may seem that hiring a professional painter would be more expensive than doing it yourself, the time you'll save and the quality of paint and materials will be worth it for the cost. We get discounts on paint and tools at local stores, so we can present more affordable options for you than if you purchased the same materials yourself. When you think about how much time you'll save instead of painting your home on your downtime between work, school, and your social life, it more than pays for itself.
You won't have to worry about keeping your floors safe from splattered paint, taking off all of the painters tape, or disposing of paint or empty paint cans. We can take away the stress of cleaning up after your home is painted so all you have to do is walk into your gorgeous, refreshed home!
We have years of experience and use top-of-the-line tools to paint your home. We are precise and know the best ways to make sure your walls look flawless. When painting walls and baseboards yourself, even if you've done it before, it's easy to make mistakes and not prep properly. We will prepare all surfaces and skillfully paint your walls and trim so the paint job will last for years to come!